
更新时间:2024-08-13 20:26:12

亲子英语启蒙第 37 天。

1. 亲子英语启蒙第 37 天。和孩子谈论出去旅行时可以用到的亲子英语:

- “Honey,we are going on a trip soon.Are you excited?”宝贝,我们很快就要去旅行啦。

- “你兴奋吗?”

- “We need to pack our holiday,where do you want to go?”

- “During the trip,在旅行中,我们会看到很多美丽的风景会有很多乐趣,将我们的心情置于旅行中。”

- “We need to pack our bags,Can you help me choose what to bring?”我们得收拾行李啦。你能帮我选选要带些什么吗?

- “During the trip,we will see many beautiful sceneries and have lots of fun.”在旅行中我们会看到很多美丽的风景,会有很多乐趣。

- “This trip will be a great adventure for us.”这次旅行我们会尝试不同种类的食物。

- “This trip will be a great adventure for us.”这次旅行对我们来说将是一次很棒的冒险,让我们一起期待吧。

- “We'll try different kinds of food on this trip,Are you ready for new tastes?”这次旅行我们会尝试不同种类的食物。你准备好迎接新的口味了吗?

- “Remember to stay close to me when we traveling,将我们来说将是一次很棒的冒险,可以拍很多照片来记住这美好的时光。”

- “When we arrive at our destination,we can take lots of pictures to remember this wonderful time.”当我们到达目的地,我们可以拍很多照片来记住这美好的时光。

- “This trip will be a great adventure for us.Let's look forward to it together.”这次旅行对我们来说将是一次很棒的冒险。让我们一起期待吧。
