
更新时间:2024-08-24 12:43:39


1. Esther 每日英语听读:Cantaloupe 哈密瓜。

2. Cantaloupes,known as Hami Melon in Chinese,are a popular summer fruit in many parts of the world.They are known for their sweet,juicy,and refreshing taste.

3. Cantaloupes come in various shapes and sizes,but they are typically oval or round.The skin of cantaloupe is usually yellow or green.The flesh is usually yellow or orange,with a soft texture and many small black seeds.

4. Cantaloupes are rich in vitamins and minerals.They are often enjoyed chilled as a refreshing snack during hot summer days.

5. 哈密瓜是世界上许多地方受欢迎的夏季水果,它们以甜美、多汁和清爽的口感而闻名。哈密瓜有各种形状和大小,但它们通常是椭圆形或圆形的。哈密瓜的皮通常是黄色或绿色的,果肉通常是黄色或橙色的,质地柔软,含有许多小籽。哈密瓜富含维生素和矿物质,人们常常将其冷藏后作为清爽的小吃享用。